Dekati Kepala Empat, Mathias Boe Pastikan Gantung Raket Tahun 2020

By Lariza Oky Adisty - Minggu, 23 Februari 2020 | 01:30 WIB
Pasangan ganda putra Denmark, Mathias Boe (kanan)/Carsten Mogensen, berpose setelah menggelar

BOLASPORT.COM - Pebulu tangkis ganda putra Denmark, Mathias Boe, mengatakan bahwa tahun 2020 akan menjadi tahun terakhirnya berlaga di lapangan sebelum ia mengakhiri karier.

Mathias Boe mengungkapkan rencananya tersebut lewat unggahan di Instagram pribadinya.

Menurut Boe, dia akan pensiun seusai Olimpiade Tokyk 2020 pada Juli-Agustus mendatang

Dengan catatan, dia terpilih mengikuti pesta olahraga dunia empat tahunan tersebut.

Jika tidak, Boe akan gantung raket setelah membela Denmark pada Piala Thomas 2020, Mei mendatang.

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Today I gave an interview to @tv2sportdk regarding my future, more specifically about my badminton future. I have decided that Olympics will be my last tournament, if we get selected, if not I will call it quits after Thomas Cup in May. Badminton has been my number one priority more than the last 20 years, it has given me some incredible highs, some really deep lows, badminton has made me who I’m, for good and bad. No doubt my retirement will leave some kind of emptiness, not having a goal to pursue, one that drives you to get up in the morning, but hopefully I will find a new goal to focus on. I can honestly say I’m looking forward to retiring even though I will miss competing against my great colleagues from around the world. As of now I don’t have any specific plans of what I wanna do, except spending more time with my family, girlfriend and friends, I feel a bit guilty for not seeing them more. I will continue pushing my self everyday to be in the best possible shape for the upcoming events, after all age is just a number ????????????????

A post shared by Mathias Boe (@mathias.boe) on

"Hari ini saya melakukan wawancara dengan @tv2sportsdk soal masa depan saya, terutama pada olahraga bulu tangkis. Saya memutuskan Olimpiade akan jadi turnamen terakhir saya jika terpilih," tulis Boe pada halaman Instagramnya.

"Jika tidak, saya akan berhenti setelah Piala Thomas bulan Mei," tulisnya lagi.

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Mathias Boe saat ini berpasangan dengan Mads Conrad-Petersen.