Sarat Emosional, Begini Curhatan Novak Djokovic untuk Para Penggemarnya

By Susi Lestari - Jumat, 14 September 2018 | 21:58 WIB
Petenis Serbia Novak Djokovic mencium trofi US Open 2018 usai menang atas Argentina Juan Martin del Potrodi Arthur Ashe Stadium, New York, Amerika Serikat. (

Dengan segala momentum yang dimilikinya sekarang, Djokovic menuliskan sebuah ucapan terima kasih kepada semua penggemarnya.

Tulisan penuh emosional itu ditulis Djokovic sebagai pengingat bahwa para penggemarlah yang senantias mendukungnya baik dalam keadaan duka maupun suka.

Ucapan tersebut diunggah Djokovic di akun Instagram pribadinya, @djokernole.

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"Sebelum saya berbagi tentang perasaan terdalam saya, saya ingin berterima kasih atas cinta dan dukungan Anda sekalian selama masa-masa sulit dan juga selama masa-masa indah ini," tulis Djokovic dikutip Instagram.

"Itu berarti besar bagi saya dan saya tahu bahwa tidak mudah untuk bertahan ketika segala sesuatunya tidak pasti. Jadi terima kasih...," sambungnya.

Setelahnya Djokovic masih menulis panjang lebar mengenai bagaimana dirinya menjaga kepercayaan diri akan kemampuannya untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan.

"Ketika Anda tampil dengan keberanian, kepercayaan diri, dan keyakinan, Anda sudah menjadi pemenang terlepas dari hasilnya," tulis Djokovic.

"Jadi teman-teman, terimalah kesulitan dan percaya pada kekuatan keyakinan .. itu dapat membawa Anda ke mana saja," tutupnya.

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Before I share with you my deepest thoughts, I wanted to THANK YOU for your love and support during the hard times, and also during these good times. It means the world to me and I know it wasn’t easy to stick around when things were uncertain. So thank you! _ UnBELIEVEable is usually the most common way to explain extraordinary success.. To me, that expression negates the most powerful emotion that one can have - BELIEF. All this time, belief is what pushed me through moments of doubt, pain, uncertainty. I was stuck at some point and overwhelmed by a plethora of information. And the results were not showing. Everybody offered their opinions and advice on what to do and what was happening to me, and I can’t say I didn’t hear any of it. I did. I got confused at times. But there was one thing that kept me up, kept me going: Belief in myself, my abilities, my skills and talent, and my resilience. Belief that I am meant to do this. _ The biggest takeaway from these fantastic past few months is that UNBELIEVABLE doesn’t exist. Limits do not exist. When you see it in your mind, you can achieve it in life. When you show up with your courage, confidence and belief, you are already a winner despite the actual result. Your character prevails and you build your habits and your habits bring you one step closer to your goals. So my friends, embrace adversity and trust in the power of belief.. it can take you anywhere Love to all. Idemooo #USOpen

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